Move products to an another category
UPDATE db220385_2.catalog_category_product SET category_id = 18 WHERE category_id = 19;
Get all attribute option values
The following example shows, how to get all available values for the attribute filter_stores
SELECT ea.attribute_code, eao.option_id, eaov.store_id, eaov.value_id, eaov.value FROM eav_attribute AS ea INNER JOIN eav_attribute_option AS eao ON ea.attribute_id = eao.attribute_id INNER JOIN eav_attribute_option_value AS eaov ON eao.option_id = eaov.option_id WHERE ea.attribute_code = 'filter_stores';
Customer – get DOB (Mage
SELECT ce.*, ced.value AS dob FROM `customer_entity` AS ce LEFT JOIN `customer_entity_datetime` AS ced ON(ce.entity_id = ced.entity_id AND `attribute_id` = 11) ORDER BY ce.entity_id DESC
Customer – get DOB from orders (Mage
SELECT customer_is_guest, `customer_dob`, `customer_email`, store_name FROM `db176735`.`sales_flat_order` Order BY `entity_id` DESC;
Change order totals
Update sales_flat_order SET base_grand_total = 36.0000, base_subtotal = 30.2500, base_tax_amount = 5.75, grand_total = 36.0000, subtotal = 30.2500, tax_amount = 5.7500, total_qty_ordered = 3, base_subtotal_incl_tax = 36.0000, subtotal_incl_tax = 36.0000, weight = 30.000 where entity_id = 424
Get configurable products directly from the database Mage EE / CE 1.5.x)
SELECT `t1`.`entity_id`, `t1`.`atikelnr`, `eaov1`.`value` AS 'size', `eaov2`.`value` AS 'color' FROM `catalog_product_flat_1` AS `t1`  LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `cpei1` ON ( `t1`.`entity_id` = `cpei1`.`entity_id` AND `cpei1`.`attribute_id` = 606 AND `cpei1`.`entity_type_id` = 4 #AND `cpei1`.`entity_id` = 609 #Hier Product ID #Einkommentieren für spezielles Product ) LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `cpei2` ON ( `t1`.`entity_id` = `cpei2`.`entity_id` AND `cpei2`.`attribute_id` = 80 AND `cpei2`.`entity_type_id` = 4 #AND `cpei2`.`entity_id` = 609 #uncomment and add product id to get a certain product ) LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `eaov1` ON (`cpei1`.`value` = `eaov1`.`option_id`) LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `eaov2` ON (`cpei2`.`value` = `eaov2`.`option_id`)  WHERE `t1`.`entity_id` IN (609,610,611) #Hier Product IDs AND `eaov1`.`store_id` = 1 #Hier die Store ID AND `eaov2`.`store_id` = 1 #Hier die Store ID
Artikelnr to entity_id
SELECT `e`.entity_id AS `atikelnr` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS `_table_atikelnr` ON (`_table_atikelnr`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id`) AND (`_table_atikelnr`.`attribute_id` = '591') AND (`_table_atikelnr`.`store_id` = 0) WHERE (e.type_id = 'configurable') AND `_table_atikelnr`.`value` IN(35161,35162,35163,35166,35561,35562,35563,35566,33080,33081,33084,33085,33580,33581,33582,33584,33585,13698,16835,16836)
Get the number of new costomers per month since a certain date
SELECT MONTHNAME(ce.created_at), COUNT(*) FROM `db176735`.`customer_entity` AS ce WHERE ce.created_at >= '2011-01-01 00:00:00' GROUP BY MONTHNAME(ce.created_at);
Change order addresses (Changes over Query-Browser)
SELECT * FROM sales_flat_order_address WHERE `parent_id` = 126349; //126349 = order_id in sales flat order
SELECT `increment_id`, `state`, `status`, `customer_prefix`, `customer_firstname`, `customer_lastname`, `customer_email`, `send_to_pvs`, `amazon_order_ids` FROM sales_flat_order WHERE entity_id = 126349 AND increment_id = 100118608;
Get all orders without items
SET @@group_concat_max_len = 10240; SELECT db176735.sales_flat_order.entity_id AS OrderID, db176735.sales_flat_order.customer_email AS Email, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.prefix AS Anrede, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.firstname AS Vorname, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.lastname AS Nachname, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.street AS Adresse, AS Stadt, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.country_id AS Land, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.postcode AS PLZ, db176735.sales_flat_order_address.telephone AS Telefon, AS Mobil, GROUP_CONCAT (DISTINCT,' - ', items.sku ORDER BY items.sku SEPARATOR ' | ') AS Prodkte, db176735.sales_flat_order.grand_total AS Summe, db176735.sales_flat_order.STATUS AS STATUS FROM db176735.sales_flat_order INNER JOIN db176735.sales_flat_order_address ON db176735.sales_flat_order_address.parent_id = db176735.sales_flat_order.entity_id INNER JOIN db176735.sales_flat_order_item AS items ON items.order_id = db176735.sales_flat_order.entity_id WHERE db176735.sales_flat_order_address.address_type = 'billing' AND items.product_type = 'simple' GROUP BY (items.order_id); SET @@group_concat_max_len = 1024;
Delete Products
This query deletes all products accept the one with the value 10207 for the varchar attribute with the attribute_id 175 (sns_artikelnr):
DELETE cpe.* FROM `database`.`catalog_product_entity` AS cpe LEFT JOIN `database`.catalog_product_entity_varchar AS cpev ON cpe.entity_id = cpev.entity_id WHERE cpev.attribute_id=175 AND cpev.value != 10207
Get customer addresses from database
SELECT #count(distinct ce.entity_id), cae.entity_id as address_id, IF(cae.entity_id = cei_db.value,'billing',IF(cae.entity_id = cei_ds.value,'shipping','-')) as dafault_address_type, #cei_db.value as default_billing_id, #cei_ds.value as default_shipping_id, ce.entity_id as inernal_customer_id, as customer_email, cev_pf.value as customer_prefix, cev_fn.value as customer_firstname, #cev_mn.value as customer_middle_name, cev_ln.value as customer_lastname, #cev_sf.value as customer_suffix, ced_dob.value as customer_dob, ce.is_active as custumer_active, ce.store_id, ce.created_at, ce.updated_at, caev_apf.value as addresss_prefix, caev_afn.value as addresss_firstname, #caev_amn.value as addresss_middlename, caev_aln.value as addresss_lastname, caev_aaa.value as addresss_addition, #caev_asf.value as addresss_suffix, #caev_acp.value as addresss_company, caet_ast.value as addresss_street, caev_act.value as addresss_city, caev_arg.value as addresss_region, #caei_argi.value as addresss_region_id caev_apc.value as addresss_postcode, caev_aci.value as addresss_country_id, caev_atf.value as addresss_telephone, caev_afa.value as addresss_fax, #caev_amo.value as addresss_mobile, caev_amp.value as addresss_mobilephone FROM customer_entity AS ce LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev_pf ON ce.entity_id = cev_pf.entity_id AND cev_pf.attribute_id = 4 LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev_fn ON ce.entity_id = cev_fn.entity_id AND cev_fn.attribute_id = 5 #LEFT LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev_mn ON ce.entity_id = cev_mn.entity_id AND cev_mn.attribute_id = 6 LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev_ln ON ce.entity_id = cev_ln.entity_id AND cev_ln.attribute_id = 7 #LEFT JOIN customer_entity_varchar AS cev_sf ON ce.entity_id = cev_sf.entity_id AND cev_sf.attribute_id = 8 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity AS cae ON ce.entity_id = cae.parent_id LEFT JOIN customer_entity_datetime AS ced_dob ON ce.entity_id = ced_dob.entity_id AND ced_dob.attribute_id = 11 LEFT JOIN customer_entity_int AS cei_db ON ce.entity_id = cei_db.entity_id AND cei_db.attribute_id = 13 /*default billing*/ LEFT JOIN customer_entity_int AS cei_ds ON ce.entity_id = cei_ds.entity_id AND cei_ds.attribute_id = 14 /*default shipping*/ LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_apf ON caev_apf.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_apf.attribute_id = 18 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_afn ON caev_afn.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_afn.attribute_id = 19 #LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_amn ON caev_amn.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_amn.attribute_id = 20 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_aln ON caev_aln.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_aln.attribute_id = 21 #LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_asf ON caev_asf.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_asf.attribute_id = 22 #LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_acp ON caev_acp.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_acp.attribute_id = 23 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_text AS caet_ast ON caet_ast.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caet_ast.attribute_id = 24 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_act ON caev_act.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_act.attribute_id = 25 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_aci ON caev_aci.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_aci.attribute_id = 26 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_arg ON caev_arg.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_arg.attribute_id = 27 #LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_int AS caei_argi ON caei_argi.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caei_argi.attribute_id = 28 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_apc ON caev_apc.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_apc.attribute_id = 29 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_atf ON caev_atf.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_atf.attribute_id = 30 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_afa ON caev_afa.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_afa.attribute_id = 31 #LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_amo ON caev_amo.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_amo.attribute_id = 626 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_amp ON caev_amp.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_amp.attribute_id = 685 LEFT JOIN customer_address_entity_varchar AS caev_aaa ON caev_aaa.entity_id = cae.parent_id AND caev_aaa.attribute_id = 686 WHERE cae.entity_id IS NOT NULL AND cev_pf.value IS NOT NULL AND caev_apf.value IS NOT NULL AND caev_apf.value <> '' ORDER BY ce.entity_id DESC #LIMIT 100000;
All orders with items
SELECT sfo.entity_id AS OrderID, sfo.increment_id AS `Bestellnummer`, sfo.status AS status, sfo.coupon_code AS CouponCode, sfo.customer_email AS Email, sfoab.prefix AS `Anrede-Rechnung`, sfoab.firstname AS `Vorname-Rechnung`, sfoab.lastname AS `Nachname-Rechnung`, sfoab.street AS `Adresse-Rechnung`, AS `Stadt-Rechnung`, sfoab.country_id AS `Land-Rechnung`, sfoab.postcode AS `PLZ-Rechnung`, sfoab.telephone AS `Telefon-Rechnung`, AS `Mobil-Rechnung`, sfoas.prefix AS `Anrede-Shipping`, sfoas.firstname AS `Vorname-Shipping`, sfoas.lastname AS `Nachname-Shipping`, sfoas.street AS `Adresse-Shipping`, AS `Stadt-Shipping`, sfoas.country_id AS `Land-Shipping`, sfoas.postcode AS `PLZ-Shipping`, sfoas.telephone AS `Telefon-Shipping`, AS `Mobil-Shipping`, AS Produktname, items.sku AS EAN, items.qty_ordered AS `QTY`, sfo.subtotal AS `Bestellung Netto`, sfo.tax_amount AS `Bestellung Steuer`, sfo.subtotal_incl_tax AS `Bestellung Brutto`, sfo.base_discount_amount AS `Bestellung Discount`, sfo.discount_description AS `Bestellung Discount Beschreibung`, sfo.milesandmore_total AS `Bestellung M&M Amount`, sfo.milesandmore_used_miles AS `Bestellung M&M eingesetzte Meilen`, sfo.shipping_amount AS `Bestellung Versandkosten`, sfo.grand_total AS `Bestellung Gesamtsumme`, sfo.order_currency_code AS `Bestellung Waerung`, sfo.snsmilesandmore_cardnr AS `M&M Kartennummer`, sfo.milesandmore_transaction AS `M&M Transaction`, sfo.amazon_marketplace_id AS `Amazon Marktplatz Id`, sfo.amazon_merchant_id AS `Amazon Merchant ID`, sfo.amazon_order_ids AS `Amazon Order IDs`, sfo.amazon_merchant_id AS `Amazon Merchant ID`, sfo.amazon_merchant_id AS `Amazon Merchant ID`, sfo.created_at AS `Bestelldatum` FROM sales_flat_order AS sfo LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address AS sfoab ON sfoab.parent_id = sfo.entity_id AND sfoab.address_type = 'billing' LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_address AS sfoas ON sfoas.parent_id = sfo.entity_id AND sfoas.address_type = 'shipping' LEFT JOIN sales_flat_order_item AS items ON items.order_id = sfo.entity_id WHERE items.product_type = 'simple' AND sfo.created_at > '2014-12-01 00:00:00';