Create a bcrypt hash on commandline

Its easy to create a bcrypt hash  on commandline with this command: $> htpasswd -nbBC 10 USER PASSWORD Just replace the Placeholder USER and PASSWORD with the corresponding values. The Result should be something like that: USER:$2y$10$gfPbhclOrdjmMLEXSc5CTOWP5aBfjl59hhGvjp/qWXf1FfbQKb5ca The part before “:” is the username. The rest is the bcrypt password hash. The -C parameter specifies […]

Get a filename only list of files in a folder

To get a list of all files in a folder without path, you can use the following snippet: $> find ../PATH/TO/FOLDER/TO/LIST/FILES/FROM -type f -printf “%f\n” Example result: 5ed8d879-9203-4c26-afe4-4eee702ffcc7.ttf 25h-icons.woff 6ab1eb08-75f2-4c1a-9911-2752e3fd6ec9.woff ada6576a-cbce-4da0-994b-b4719f95ac06.eot dc80306d-6b3e-422b-85c3-bad65f5446d4.woff 1791f364-9061-4459-a14d-0b188cfd7193.woff2 fb754dec-aa8f-444c-be48-868464c47ab0.woff 20988062-bfc8-4c30-9306-8053b179b381.eot 79de9df8-0826-46b9-beea-eb39122d4762.woff2 087e5c21-3358-4cf3-9d2c-289a03a48292.eot 7869ff0a-c18f-4ce1-bf07-fbf5b7172b66.ttf c932b9cc-bd91-4ee0-889b-302d53093448.woff2 c9fa0fce-5615-4509-af40-370a4032df9a.woff2 08bae5d9-f7bd-4e7f-8446-be05a16cc9e6.ttf 56ce7ab2-c49f-4aa1-85ce-f1823fc02355.woff bedf9150-5659-4119-9640-0f16e67d82b9.woff2 9131f395-46ef-4940-8480-8ff008c42e59.woff 77fac51a-d062-438a-a493-6b67508aa97f.woff bb8422a9-7303-4111-8be4-7de2f583aaf3.woff2 746ffa4d-bd68-4487-bb7a-0c90d07c6533.woff2 5fdc935e-9e30-442a-bbe9-8d887b858471.woff 616c4c87-a077-43f4-a9f4-f01267c13818.ttf 084ad33e-9248-40f7-b5ce-1d9dee2809c4.eot d399cbfa-b9be-47ac-983c-3600c2684bb2.ttf 295ff20c-2b48-4fa6-be92-a53bbf9bbbb4.ttf 25h-icons.ttf 2f8b7d6e-428d-4cc1-a456-712fc6aa2123.woff2 9322b01d-540d-464b-8990-dcbfa6a03ce8.eot […]

Base64 encode on shell

Sometimes you need to encode a string  with a base64 encoding. For example when trying to send a HTTP request with a Basic Authentication header like that: ### own controller: POST Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Basic c25zOlVzZVRoZWZvcmNlCg== { “uuid”: “08e9a8d3-9279-4af5-88ff-ebe42359f0e0”, “eventname”: “”, “data”: { “sitemap_id”: “1234”, “locale”: “de_DE”, “path”: “unigue/page/path”, “title”: “Testpage over API”, “meta_title”: […]

GIT – reconnect remote branch

Sometimes it is necessary to remap a local git  branch to a remote one (reconnect remote branch). For me it was the case, because I accidentally removed all origins in a multi-origin setup. Hence I got the following error message when trying to pull without naming remote and branch, although I re-added and fetched all […]

Shrink PDF

For some applications it is necessary to keep the file size of an PDF under a certain limit. For example for  document uploads on some websites or to maintain the attachment file size limit of some email server.  You can use the following shell script to have a schrink command (Source: Usage Webservice to shrink […]

Lock shellscript process under Unix based systems

Today I ran again into a common problem when dealing with cron based scipts that run concurrently. That’s why I had to lock shellscript process until it is finished before starting the next executing round. On Unix based systems like Linux you can achieve that with flock. flock binds a file descriptor to a certain lock […]