Add a main menu entry in Magento

This is how you can add a main menu entry to the Magento main menu in your modules adminhtml.xml: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <config> <menu> <sheldon_wysiwyg module=”sheldon_wysiwyg”> <title>WYSIWYG</title> <sort_order>88</sort_order> <children> <test module=”sheldon_wysiwyg” translate=”title”> <title>Test</title> <sort_order>0</sort_order> <action>adminhtml/sheldon_wysiwyg/data</action> </test> </children> </sheldon_wysiwyg> </menu> <acl> <resources> <all> <title>Allow Everything</title> </all> <admin> <children> <sheldon_wysiwyg> <title></title> <sort_order>70</sort_order> <children> <posts> <title>Manage Posts</title> <sort_order>0</sort_order> […]

Implement ACL (Access-Control-List) for own Magento modules

The following snippets show how to implement ACL (Access-Control-List) for system configuration fields and main menu entries of your own modules.  It is also shown, how to check the ACL’s in the PHP code of your Module. Implement ACL – Access control for system configuration If you had configured a system configuration (System→Configuration) like this: <?xml […]