Implement ACL (Access-Control-List) for own Magento modules

Implement ACL in Magento
©Yuri Samoilov via Flickr (

The following snippets show how to implement ACL (Access-Control-List) for system configuration fields and main menu entries of your own modules.  It is also shown, how to check the ACL’s in the PHP code of your Module.

Implement ACL – Access control for system configuration

If you had configured a system configuration (System→Configuration) like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <asksheldon_friendsandfamily translate="label" module="asksheldon_friendsandfamily">
            <label>Friends &amp; Family</label>
                <general translate="label" module="asksheldon_friendsandfamily">
                        <enabled translate="label">
                        <customer_groups translate="label comment">
                            <label>Customer groups</label>
                            <comment>Groups for Friends &amp; Family discounts.</comment>
                         <identity translate="label">
                            <label>Welcomemail Sender</label>
                        <template translate="label">
                        <copy_to translate="label comment">
                            <label>Send Welcome Copy To</label>
                        <copy_method translate="label">
                            <label>Send Welcome Copy Method</label>

… you can define ACLs like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                                    <asksheldon_friendsandfamily translate="title" module="asksheldon_friendsandfamily">
                                        <title>Friends &amp; Family</title>

You can use more <children> <BEZEICHNER> level to refine the access possibilities (f.e.: only access to general tab).

Implement ACL – Access control for menu entries

For main menu entries as described here you have to configure the right ACLs as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                <title>Allow Everything</title>
                                <title>Subscription EAN Export</title>
                                <title>Subscription Guest Export</title>

Implement ACL – Check ACLs

If you have the following ACL (not necessarily for system configuration oder menus → can also be for its own):

                    <asksheldon_milesandmore translate="title" module="asksheldon_milesandmore">
                        <title>Miles &amp; More</title>
                                <title>Backenduser can view the customers cardnumber</title>
                                <title>Backenduser can view and edit the customers cardnumber</title>

… you can check if the customer is allowed to access that interface by:

$bIsAllowed = Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('admin/asksheldon_milesandmore/allow_view');//path/in/acl/tree

Implement ACL – Own Controller Actions

Since version “I have no idea 😉 ” you have to implement a _isAllowed – function in your controller to grant restricted access for a certain user role.

For example:
if you have a ACL and menu definition like that:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <sheldon_wysiwyg module="sheldon_wysiwyg">
                <test module="sheldon_wysiwyg" translate="title">
                <template_js module="sheldon_wysiwyg" translate="title">
                    <sheldon_wysiwyg module="sheldon_wysiwyg">
                            <test module="sheldon_wysiwyg" translate="title">
                            <template_js module="sheldon_wysiwyg" translate="title">

you have to implement:

protected function _isAllowed()
    return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed('admin/sheldon_wysiwyg');

in the corresponding controller (Sheldon_Wysiwyg_Adminhtml_Sheldonwysiwyg_DataController in this case).

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