If you are the admin of a Facebook page and need your admin id for external applications, you can get your Admin-ID with the Graph-API_Exploarer of Facebook:
get an access-token for user_about_me
in GET-Input enter me?fields=id,name or just me
Now you should see a JSON-Object-Dump in the result section:
{ "id": "668145793255539", "first_name": "Rundella", "gender": "female", "last_name": "Capriola", "link": "https://www.facebook.com/app_scoped_user_id/668145793255539/", "locale": "de_DE", "name": "Rundella Capriola", "timezone": 2, "updated_time": "2014-05-14T09:52:04+0000", "verified": true }
The ID-Key is your Admin ID.