Install CMS pages with your module

You can do this as shown in the following example of a Magento data setup script: <?php /* @var $installer Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup */ $oInstaller = $this; $oInstaller->startSetup(); $aCmsPages = [ [ ‘title’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘root_template’ => ‘two_columns_left’, ‘meta_keywords’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘meta_description’ => ‘FAQ’, ‘identifier’ => ‘faq’, ‘is_active’ => 1, ‘stores’ => 0, ‘sort_order’ => 0, ‘content_heading’ => […]

Install CMS blocks with your module

You can do this as shown in the following example: <?php /* @var $installer Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup */ $oInstaller = $this; $oInstaller->startSetup(); $oCmsBlocks = [ [ ‘title’ => ‘Footer bar for benefits’, ‘identifier’ => ‘footer-bar’, ‘content’ => <<<HTML <ul> <li>Shop Benefit 1</li> <li>Shop Benefit 2</li> <li>Shop Benefit 3</li> <li>Shop Benefit 4</li> <li>Customer Service (D): <a href=”tel:08008828838″ class=”tel”>0800 […]