Wifi setup on Arch Linux

The following steps are showing how I did setup my wireless connection with an static IP on my ArchLinux driven RaspberryPi. You need to have installed sudo to uses this instructions:

  1. Update all packages:
    $> sudo pacman -Syu
  2. Install dialog package:
    $> sudo pacman -S dialog
  3. Install wpa_supplicant package
    $> sudo pacman -S wpa_supplicant
  4. Run wifi-menu:
    $> sudo wifi-menu -o

    This will start the Wifi-Setup dialog.

  5. Select your network:
    Screenshot from 2015-05-17 20:25:35
  6. Choose a name for the profile:
    Screenshot from 2015-05-17 20:40:03
  7. Insert Wifi password:
    Screenshot from 2015-05-17 20:46:51
  8. The dialog will close automatically.
  9. Edit the generated config file (/etc/netctl/YOUR-ENTERED-PROFILE-NAME):
    $> sudo nano /etc/netctl/wlan0-Valhalla
  10. Set IP-type static, IP-Address, Gateway and DNS server like this:
    Description='Valhalla at home'

    The relevant lines are:
    – IP=static
    – Address=(‘’)
    – Gateway=(‘’)
    – DNS=(‘’)

  11. Now you can enable the profile, so that your pi starts with it:
    $> sudo netctl enable wlan0-Valhalla
    $> sudo netctl start wlan0-Valhalla
  12. Reboot the system:
    $> sudo reboot

The blogpost Setup an static IP on Arch Linux shows how to setup a static IP for ethernet connections.

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